Dirt Road Journey's

It is good to have an end to journey toward; but it is the journey that matters, in the end. ~Ursula K. Le Guin

Friday, June 10, 2005

Just Rambling

Gone two weeks and
I must say
I miss your brain;
if any way.

I like your thoughts and
the swatch of depth
that you add so freely
to the map

If I were you,
I wouldn't change.
Complexity is sexy,
you should know.

In ten years,
we could sit down
for tea
I could still be honest
because I know you'd understand.

Long standing connections
are good to have.
Don't mind me,
I'm just rambling...

That sleeping bag
will always be waiting for you
in the shadows of my mind.


Blogger greglo said...

I hope you're compiling all these.

A book would be great... and being an artist as you are, no doubt you can also design the cover.

Make something nice, I'll be the first buyer!


6/11/2005 2:19 PM  
Blogger Camptown said...

Hi froggy, thank you friend. I guess maybe I should make a compilation. At least I'll have one reader. :) hugs.

6/11/2005 3:00 PM  

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