Dirt Road Journey's

It is good to have an end to journey toward; but it is the journey that matters, in the end. ~Ursula K. Le Guin

Wednesday, August 17, 2005

Motion on a Good Road

Life in motion...
Complicated sorting
in process...

One life being
into two worlds.

Two worlds

being funnelled
into one
converge in a
swirling vortex of
complex emotion

wrapped into one.

Sifting the grains
shards of glass
I think to myself
"fuck it."
I know why I came here.

I have to sit back
realize that this is
new to all
and there are more
involved than
just you and me.

Someday she will like me,
I believe.
All I can offer is kindness
and respect.
And to love her father.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

camptown? cool handle. sorry for my crazy thoughts. glad you dont mind. what can i say. drunk. teased by my friends, dared to write a comment. ken said you were cool. we do love him. deborah

8/19/2005 8:37 AM  
Blogger Camptown said...

It's all good. It was funny. :) Camptown is a nick name from my dad. It even has a song and dance that goes with it. He is hilarious. lol.

Ken is jaded, I'm not that cool. lol.


8/19/2005 12:40 PM  

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