Dirt Road Journey's

It is good to have an end to journey toward; but it is the journey that matters, in the end. ~Ursula K. Le Guin

Friday, August 19, 2005

Daily Ramblings

It's funny how angst brings out the best writing. I feel pretty good and because of that - I have terminal writer's block. Not that anything that I yap about is all that exciting anyway, but hey! It's self expression whether it sucks or not.

If you give me a day or two, I'll surely find something to fret about. I'm a woman, just give me two minutes to myself and the ole imagination starts to travel... sometimes in good places, sometimes in bad ones. :) I like it when it goes to the good ones the best, though.

I'm glad that it's Friday...you'd have to be either dead or working much too hard to not appreciate the end of the week! Everyone always says "man, this week was so long - sure glad it's friday." No shit! Isn't it pretty much a given that most of us are glad that it's Friday? Everyone is always in such a good mood on Friday's - all dressed in jeans and t-shirts and tennis shoes. Who doesn't feel better in civilian clothes?!

Then we all drag our butts in here on Monday in our stiff corporate clothes and for at least the first half of the day barely anyone speaks - and if they do, it's just to bitch. I think everyone would feel a whole lot better if they'd have something like breakroom bonanza bong-toke wednesdays or perhaps a wet bar along side the weight equipment. lol. Who knows?. This place could use a little spice though. For now the only carrot we have dangling ahead of us is birthday cake friday, which falls on the last Friday of the month. That's next week in case you hadn't noticed and people are already chattering about cake day. Wow, how exciting. A belly ache at 8:30am is always my favorite way to start the day. lol.

Anywho, for someone who can't think of anything to write, I have managed to take up some space here with senseless ramblings. Sometimes those are the most fun things to write anyway. :)

So, the impending weekend brings the Danish Festival in the town in which I live. Beer tents and rednecks abound. Should be a riot. Will be taking the little brother (I have a 4 year old brother - born right after my 25th birthday...yep...that's a true story.) to the parade and no doubt going home with something cotton candy-esque stuck to our hands and faces. One can only hope anyway... Childish fun makes the heart feel lighter.

Well, soon 4 o'clock will be upon us and I will join the commuters in the mad dash northward. I will be sure to tune the radio in right at five to catch the friday song...because the weekend cannot officially begin until that moment...and then we'll pass it around the shanty mama and put a good buzz on.



Blogger facade said...

how pathetic to have even this private sharing space intruded upon by idiots....hate this kind of crap....

it is the daily raimblings, the simple perceptions of ordianry things that gives life to us. i realize how regimented our work lives become....and the lure of friday after work grows brighter...totally with you vanessa.

drink, smile and be merry! ken

8/20/2005 8:04 AM  
Blogger facade said...

i can spell vanessa, just cant type worth a damn.....should proof but i choose not to...

8/26/2005 11:24 AM  
Blogger Camptown said...

thought you were a spell checker! lol. Hey, it's your day off. lol.

8/26/2005 11:59 AM  

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