Puss & Bites
Odd luck...
Would you like to touch my mustachy?
My brother got bit in the face by our cat. He had vanished from our party for awhile and I finally located him in the bath room with a face full of tissues. The cat had almost completely bit through his lip! It was the strangest thing that could have possibly happened in the midst of our party!
He tried to save her from an uncomfortable confrontation with Lily and Marco's dog...and she decided to bite him in the face on the way in the house!
When he came out of the bathroom with those bandaids on his lips, we couldn't stop laughing! Lily busted out the Sharpie and gave him the Pierre mustache!
As you can probably imagine, we have some great pictures; for this isn't the only dressing he had on his face for the night!
Well, where are the others??????
Would you like to see more? We have another with an Adolf Hitler mustache and also a handle bar mustache. :) They're hilarious. I will put them up later. V.
The world has a right to know!
Let's see them!!!!!!!!!!!
Mustache-less Froggy
LOL!!!! They are pretty good! :)
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