Dirt Road Journey's

It is good to have an end to journey toward; but it is the journey that matters, in the end. ~Ursula K. Le Guin

Friday, April 27, 2007

A Good Sense of Humor Will Get You Through

This is a van that Wile spotted in the Lowe's Parking lot!! Awesome!

Man...time just flies by, doesn't it?

Here it is Friday afternoon again...another week gone by.
It's been raining and raining for the past couple of days, but the weekend
is supposed to be 70 degrees and sunny!
Sounds good to me...Good for opening the windows and wearing shorts.

I can't believe it's almost May already.
This really is my favorite time of year.
We've been talking about camping a lot.
I am so itchy to get out jogging.
So far, this spring has been really cold and wet...
I'm eager to get out and stretch my legs.

I'm trying to have a good sense of humor about things -
Like looking at months with joy instead of worrying
that it's almost May and I have a bunch of new bills due...
It's easier for me to be optimistic in the spring
and summer when the promise of new life
makes you feel good.
So, kind of a boring post, but at least there
is the NINJA BEAVER to fall back on!!

Monday, April 09, 2007

Colored Eggs

We had a nice Easter Weekend.
The kids loved their new bunkbeds
that their dad built.
We rushed around painting them half of the night
on Wednesday in anticipation
of the kids arrival on Thursday.
They were so excited about their new room
that Kaya jumped under her new
Monkey quilt and said
"I'm going to bed with a smile on my face!"
And with a toothless grin
she pulled the covers up to her chin.
On Saturday we had a birthday party for Ian
He turned 3!
Wile took him out by himself and spent
some Dad/Ian time together.
In the meantime, Kaya and Caleb and I
went to the store and got cake stuff and ice cream.
I let the kids crack the eggs and stir the batter for the cake.
When Wile and Ian got back,
we had a cook out and cake and ice cream.
Wile colored eggs when the kids went to bed that night
and I assembled Easter Baskets.
In the morning, we had an egg hunt and breakfast.
Followed by too much candy and rushing around
to get to Amy's house for the Easter "Preston" Clan
Get together.
We had a really fun time
I sent all of the kids' candy home with them
so I wouldn't eat it! ;)
Back to a quiet house until next time.
Whatever shall I do?

Friday, April 06, 2007

Fred Meijer Gardens

Wile took the kids to Fred Meijer Gardens on
Good Friday.
It's their spring break tradition.
Of course I had to work...

Wednesday, April 04, 2007

To Blog or not to Blog

Does anyone still use Blogger? Or is it dead to Friggin My Space???? Ugh....

I don't want to post anymore because it doesn't seem like anyone is out there? Am I wrong??